Each month we will be publishing a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the first such report — for June 2022.
Table of Contents
Sales in comparison with previous months
The average daily sales on Etsy in June were more or less evenly distributed throughout the month. No significant sales peaks or drops were observed. The first half of the month was slightly more profitable for sellers than the second half.

With reference to the previous 5 months, there is a continuing trend for Etsy sales to be dropping a little with every consecutive month. Thus, the drop in June was nearly 4% relative to the sales in May.

Sales by category in June
The only categories that did not record a decrease in sales during June were Electronics and Toys & Games. The graph clearly shows that despite certain fluctuations up and down, the sales remained relatively stable in the categories of Bags & Purses, Books, Movies & Music, Clothing, and Weddings.

Sales by country in June
Let’s have a closer look at some of the countries with the highest numbers of Etsy shops. An interesting trend can be observed about the shops in Germany. Now, it is normal to have more sales during the weekend, and this happens in virtually all counties. However, for the shops in Germany this difference is much more significant than for the shops in France, Canada, the UK or the US. The discrepancy in the number of sales between the weakest and the strongest weekday in Germany exceeds 30%.

Moreover, the sales of Canadian shops continue to decrease. This trend has been ongoing since the beginning of the year. The sales of Australian shops, on the other hand, are looking better this month in comparison with the Canadian ones.

The sales of US shops more or less set the trend for the entire platform. The first half of June was better than May, but the second half brought another slight drop in sales.
Newly opened shops in June
141,036 shops were registered on Etsy in June.
Top 10 most successful Etsy sellers in June
The 10 shops with the highest number of sales in June were:
Rank | Etsy Shop | Monthly Sales – June’22 | Country | Category |
1 | CaitlynMinimalist | 32,778 | United States | Jewelry |
2 | ModParty | 27,359 | United States | Weddings |
3 | AcornandCrowStudio | 25,906 | United States | Electronics & Accessories |
4 | BeadBoat1 | 24,804 | United States | Craft Supplies & Tools |
5 | SeedGeeks | 17,520 | United States | Home & Living |
6 | HeatherRobertsArt | 17,417 | United States | Craft Supplies & Tools |
7 | DesignMyPartyStudio | 17,145 | The Netherlands | Paper & Party Supplies |
8 | TwistStationery | 16,611 | United Kingdom | Paper & Party Supplies |
9 | PixelPerfectionParty | 16,472 | United Kingdom | Paper & Party Supplies |
10 | SouthernSeedExchange | 15,792 | United States | Home & Living |
Father’s Day was celebrated in the US on 19 June this year. Indeed, there were more sales in the first half of the month than in the second one. However, the difference in the numbers — as well as the trends of the past 6 months — do not support the conclusion that there was a significant surge in sales on the platform in connection with Father’s Day.
With the exception of Independence Day, there are no big holidays in July that could cause an increase in sales.
Don’t forget to share the report with your Etsy friends!