Learn valuable insights about selling on Etsy with Koalanda’s monthly sales reports. Read articles, analyses, and how-tos based on real Etsy data. Boost your Etsy sales.
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for January 2025. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months The new year is here, and Etsy sellers are kicking it off with the usual hopes for better sales but also with growing concerns that sales have taken a steep dive. Every January and February, it’s common to see complaints from sellers about slow sales—claims that orders have stopped, dropped significantly, or are much lower than usual. But numbers don’t lie, and this year’s January report will show that the situation is far from as bad as it might seem. If we compare January…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for December 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months The new year has begun, and it’s the perfect time to look back at December 2024 and Etsy’s performance during the final month of the year. After the frenzy of Black Friday, many sellers might have expected a significant drop in sales. However, to everyone’s surprise and delight, not only was there no sharp decline, but December sales on Etsy actually surpassed those in November. The growth was modest—just under 3%—but it’s still worth celebrating. In 2023, December was a strong month, but it…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for November 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months We’re happy to start our November Etsy sales report without any major surprises. The previous months didn’t perform as well as sellers might have hoped, especially when compared to the same period in 2023. However, this month finally brings the much-anticipated surge in sales, thanks to Black Friday. Looking at the numbers, the average daily sales on Etsy in November grew by over 45% compared to October. On one hand, this is an impressive WOW-worthy increase. On the other hand, it’s exactly what we…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for October 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In last month's report, we shared our expectations for October sales to start picking up, based on patterns we've observed over the past few years. Last year, both September and October saw sales growth on Etsy—almost like a warm-up for the big Black Friday and holiday season in November and December. Unfortunately, this year, the upward trend hasn’t been as strong. In September, we experienced a slight dip in sales, with numbers nearly identical to those in August. Now, instead of seeing growth in…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for September 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months Sales in September remained almost identical to those in August. Looking at the exact figures, there was a minimal decline of just 0.13%. Essentially, the average daily sales in September were nearly the same as in the previous month. This doesn’t indicate any significant drop. However, we also didn’t see the growth we had been anticipating. Perhaps in the coming month, we’ll finally witness a real increase in sales. That said, it’s important to highlight that the strongest sales days for Etsy sellers over…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for July 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months Half of the year has already flown by. With the heat of summer in full swing, many customers (and Etsy sellers) are likely enjoying a well-deserved break. It's no surprise that Etsy sales aren't soaring right now. There was a slight drop in sales compared to the previous month, down by just 1.5%. This is much less than last month's decline of a little over 5%. Rest assured, everything is fine with Etsy. The Koalanda team has been tracking daily sales for over two…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for June 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months We love starting our monthly reports with news of sales growth compared to previous months. We know Etsy sellers look forward to such updates, hoping it means more opportunities for their products. Unfortunately, in June, we saw a decline in sales compared to May. This drop, just over 5%, is slightly larger than the one observed 30 days ago (3%). If we look at the graph of average daily sales on Etsy over the past six months, the trend is clear. However, we want…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for May 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In our previous report, we started with positive news, hopeful that we were witnessing a sustainable growth in Etsy sales. The last week of April showed visible improvement and seemed promising. Unfortunately, our hopes did not materialize, and sales in May have decreased compared to April. The drop is about 3%—on one hand, nothing dramatic (Etsy is not collapsing due to occasional monthly declines of a few percent). On the other hand, while we've seen relatively stable sales levels since the beginning of the…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for April 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months Spring has officially sprung, bringing with it a welcome uptick in temperatures and Etsy sales. For the first time this year, our report begins on a positive note: Etsy sales have shown an increase compared to previous months. Even the prior two months weren't overly pessimistic, with the decline staying within 1%. Nevertheless, it's heartening to witness sales on the rise, albeit by a modest 1% compared to March. Moreover, examining the chart of daily sales over the last 3 months reveals that the…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for March 2024. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months Let's kick off our report with a glance at how sales stack up against previous months. Examining daily sales data from the start of the year, there's not much deviation over these past three months. While March does show a slight dip compared to February, it's a marginal decrease - just 1%. March hasn't seen any significant spikes or drops in sales. Despite International Women's Day on March 8, there hasn't been a notable impact on overall platform sales, mirroring our observations from February…