The articles in Koalanda Tips and Tricks will help you become proficient at using Koalanda to grow your Etsy business. Get expert advice on the tools and data in Koalanda and learn how to apply them to improve your shop.

Koalanda Overview: Essential Tools for Etsy Sellers

Koalanda is an online service designed to help sellers increase their sales on Etsy. The platform provides a large number of tools, based on real Etsy data, that assist sellers with keyword research, SEO, product research, competitor analysis, and much more. This guide offers a quick overview of Koalanda’s capabilities. Dashboard Once you log in, you'll land on your dashboard. Here, you'll get a quick overview of your shop’s main statistics: Overview of your shop performance compared to other shops on Etsy. Overview of your recent orders. Overview of your listings and their issues. On the right side, you'll see shortcuts to Koalanda’s most popular tools: the Etsy Keyword Tool, the Shop Inspector, and the Listing Inspector. On the left,…

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How to Use Koalanda to Analyze Your Etsy Competitors

Analyzing the shops of your competitors on Etsy is a tried and tested method to stay current with the latest trends and, ultimately, to achieve success. While some sellers may view competitor research as akin to spying, it is in fact a legitimate and ethical business practice, commonly employed in both e-commerce and traditional retail. Effective competitor research allows you to learn from the successes and mistakes of other shops. Ultimately, this leads to better products and conditions for customers, which is a fundamental principle of how any free marketplace operates. There are several approaches to conducting competitor research. In this article, we will explain what these methods are, when to use them, and how to implement them effectively using…

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How to Use Koalanda to Discover New Etsy Product Niches

On the one hand, Etsy is a unique marketplace in many ways - its focus is on providing a platform for unique, custom, or handmade items. On the other hand, however, Etsy functions like any other marketplace. Its primary purpose is to connect buyers looking for specific items with sellers who offer them. At its core, running an Etsy business follows the same principles as any other business. To sell well on Etsy, you must offer something that buyers are looking for, under better conditions than your competitors. It all boils down to the fundamental principles of supply and demand. This is true for every Etsy business, whether Etsy is the main channel or the business also exists outside the…

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How to Use Koalanda to Discover the Best Keywords for Your Etsy Listings

Every Etsy seller, whether new or experienced, understands the importance of using the right keywords for their listings. Indeed, it is nearly impossible to run a successful Etsy business without optimized and effective SEO. Yet, discovering the best keywords for your listings is a challenging and constantly evolving task. In this article, we will discuss the main approaches to Etsy keyword research. We will also show you how to efficiently implement these methods using Koalanda's suite of keyword tools. Finding relevant keywords When searching for product keywords, you usually start with a specific keyword that serves as your starting point. Typically, your product is already crafted, or you have an idea of what will be created, and you are seeking…

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10 Tools for Etsy Sellers You Will Only Find on Koalanda

As much as we sometimes wish we could manage our Etsy shop entirely by ourselves, this simply isn’t possible. In reality, some of the software products on the market not only save us time, but can actually do things that we cannot do ourselves. There is a host of different solutions for Etsy sellers out there, the majority of which are designed to help optimize listings. I mean, there is virtually no Etsy seller who hasn’t heard of eRank or Marmalead. But what about Koalanda? is one of the newest software assistants for Etsy sellers, so you may have not heard of it yet. You can see an overview of our platform or of our individual tools on our…

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7 Secret Features in Koalanda

Koalanda is a new platform that offers a number of helpful tools for sellers on Etsy. Some of its top features include a keyword tool, a listing editor and shop lists, supplemented by tons of useful data about the Etsy market. New features and tools are being developed and released regularly. Here are some of the currently existing ones that you might have overlooked, but which can be really benefit your business.

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