Full Etsy shop catalog
Explore our comprehensive catalog with all active Etsy shops, containing details on sales, listings, and so much more. With daily updates and advanced filtering capabilities, navigating through the wealth of information has never been easier.
Full Etsy shop catalog

Explore our comprehensive catalog with all active Etsy shops, containing details on sales, listings, and so much more. With daily updates and advanced filtering capabilities, navigating through the wealth of information has never been easier.
Shop sales history
Explore the full sales history of every Etsy shop for the past 30 days or 1 year.
Check if the sales are down just for you or for all of your competitors too.

Shop sales history

Explore the full sales history of every Etsy shop for the past 30 days or 1 year.
Check if the sales are down just for you or for all of your competitors too.

Top selling products
Discover the best-selling products of your competitors from the past 30 days.
Top selling products

Discover the best-selling products of your competitors from the past 30 days.
Most used keywords
Find relevant keyword ideas for your listings by checking the keywords of your competitors.

Most used keywords

Find relevant keyword ideas for your listings by checking the keywords of your competitors.

Flexible shop lists
Store and organize your competitor shops using shop lists. A single shop can be stored in multiple lists, and you can create as many lists as you desire!
Flexible shop lists

Store and organize your competitor shops using shop lists. A single shop can be stored in multiple lists, and you can create as many lists as you desire!