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Free Top Etsy Categories

Explore the categories with the most Etsy shops, sales, and listings.

Total Shops
Total Sales
Total Listings
Sales per Shop

What is the Free Top Etsy Categories tool?

The Free Top Etsy Categories tool is a simple online tool designed for Etsy sellers. By ranking product categories based on the number of Etsy sellers, sales, or active listings within them, it provides a clear snapshot of which categories are currently popular and thriving on the platform. This is especially useful if you're keen on understanding which product categories dominate the marketplace and where there might be opportunities or heightened competition.

Moreover, its country filtering allows you to refine the rankings even further, exploring the distribution of categories within a specific country. This feature can be particularly helpful if you are researching the dynamics of Etsy markets in distinct geographical areas. And the best part? It's entirely free. Whether you're strategizing for your shop's growth or simply investigating category trends on Etsy, this tool provides a straightforward and efficient means to access the insights you seek.

What more will I get if I sign up for Koalanda?

Detailed category statistics

Access to detailed statistics and data about each category.

Top shops and listings

Access to the top shops and listings in each category.

Other Etsy tools

Access to all Koalanda tools for keyword, product, competition, and market research.

What data does the Free Top Etsy Categories tool provide?

For sellers in search of detailed data on the Etsy marketplace by category, this tool presents an unmistakable view. As you explore its capabilities, you'll encounter categories carefully ordered by distinct metrics:

  • Total Shops: The total number of currently active Etsy sellers within each category.
  • Total Sales: The total number of sales for all time for currently active shops in each category
  • Total Listings: The total number of currently active listings in each category.
  • Sales per Shop: The total sales divided by the total shops within a category, highlighting the efficiency of sellers in specific niches.

The standout feature of this tool is its dedication to precise and up-to-date information. The data presented is concrete, derived straight from every Etsy shop, guaranteeing absolute accuracy. Updated daily, the tool ensures that the insights you receive are both timely and relevant. This accurate and current data is crucial as you fine-tune your business strategies or keep track of shifts within category markets, offering a significant edge.

Why use the Free Top Etsy Shops tool?

Market Research: Use the tool for high-level market insights, understanding the distribution of sellers per Etsy category.

Competition Awareness: Analyze the saturation and performance of specific product categories, helping you to assess the level of competition and market efficiency.

Inspiration & Perspective: Embrace the vast scope and diversity of products on Etsy.

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