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Free Etsy Keyword Trends

Discover the hottest Etsy keywords and keyphrases. Detect trending long tail keywords with real search volume and engagement.

Search Score
Score Trend

What is the Free Etsy Keyword Trends tool?

The Free Etsy Keyword Trends tool is designed to unveil trending Etsy keywords with high search volume and conversion rate right when they take off, thus providing an invaluable edge to you as an Etsy seller. It is your secret weapon to become more visible than your competitor shops in the Etsy search results.

In an online marketplace where success hinges on visibility, the importance of keywords cannot be understated. Yet, finding the right keywords is similar to finding a needle in a haystack. It's not just about identifying popular terms; it's about decoding the precise balance of demand versus supply. A keyword with high demand and low competition is the golden ticket to securing visibility, driving traffic, and boosting sales. Yet, as many Etsy sellers have discovered, such keywords are rare gems in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

What more will I get if I sign up for Koalanda?

Thousands of keywords

Access to the top 5,000 keywords in each category.

Advanced filters

Advanced filtering capabilities for the keywords.

Low competition keywords

Ability to search for keywords with limited competition.

Flexible keyword lists

Ability to save and organize your keywords into keyword lists.

Etsy Keyword Tool

Access to the Etsy Keyword Tool, which provides keyword suggestions for your products.

Other Etsy tools

Access to all Koalanda tools for keyword, product, competition, and market research.

What data does the Free Etsy Keyword Trends tool provide?

Etsy's unique customer base necessitates a data-driven approach to keyword research. Generic intuition or broad-market insights might not cut it. This is where our Free Etsy Keyword Trends tool swoops in, offering insights grounded in real Etsy data coming from real Etsy user searches and interaction.

Dealing with the various metrics for keyword quality, such as search volume, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and competition, can be confusing and inefficient. These metrics are valuable, yet they are complicated to understand and often insufficient on their own.

This is why Koalanda created a new metric - the Search Score. It is a unique metric that measures the potential of a given keyword to bring in customers through organic Etsy search. It combines all of the metrics above into one, thus making the decision process simple and efficient.

Koalanda's keyword data is updated daily. This allows us to detect emerging keywords within just a few days of their first appearance.

Why use the Free Etsy Keyword Trends tool?

Save time and effort: With the Keyword Trends Tool your keyword research will become fast and accurate. This will let you spend less time on SEO and more time and focus on crafting your products.

Discover hidden gems: With the tool's ability to reveal trending Etsy keywords as they gain momentum, you can be among the first to optimize your listings and capitalize on these trends.

Anticipate market movements: By showcasing a keyword's search score history over the past year, our tool empowers you to predict keyword trajectories. Determine if a keyword is a fleeting trend, a seasonal favorite, or a perennial hit. This foresight allows you to strategize your listings for short-term gains and long-term success.

Balance supply and demand: The essence of a successful keyword lies in its demand and competition ratio. With our tool, you can identify long tail keywords that promise high demand with low competition, positioning your products in a sweet spot for visibility and sales.

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