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Free Top Etsy Shops

Discover the most complete catalogue of Etsy shops on the internet. Explore the top Etsy sellers with the most sales yesterday or in the past month.

Sales - total
Sales - 1 day
Sales - 30 days

What is the Free Top Etsy Shops tool?

The Free Top Etsy Shops tool serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the top-performing shops on Etsy. It features the most extensive catalog of Etsy shops available online. Not only can you explore shops based on total sales, but you can also refine your search to view sales made on the last day or even over the past month. This provides a dynamic, real-time insight into which shops are currently trending and gaining traction.

Diving deeper, the platform allows you to categorize shops based on geographical locations or specific niches. So, whether you're curious about the top sellers in your country or within a particular niche, the tool has you covered. Apart from sales data, the tool displays details about every shop, including its country of origin, primary category, and the date it first opened on Etsy. This depth of information ensures you have a holistic view of each shop, painting a complete picture of the Etsy marketplace's landscape.

What more will I get if I sign up for Koalanda?

Thousands of shops

Access to the top 1,000 shops in each country or category.

Advanced filters

Filtering by year of opening, number of listings, country, and category.

Flexible shop lists

Ability to save and organize your favorite shops into lists.

Shop sales history

Complete shop sales history for the past 12 months.

Top selling products

List of top-selling products from each shop.

Other Etsy tools

Access to all Koalanda tools for keyword, product, competition, and market research.

What data does the Free Top Etsy Shops tool provide?

With the Free Top Etsy Shops tool, you get access to extensive data from every shop that has been active on Etsy in the past few years. As a seller, this provides you with a full catalog of top Etsy sellers, ranked by their sales over various periods. The data is updated daily, ensuring you're always informed about the latest sales figures.

Accuracy is a top priority, so the sales numbers provided are precise, not estimates. The tool constantly adapts to the changing Etsy marketplace. Every day, new active shops are added, and those that have closed down are promptly removed. This ensures you have a current and comprehensive view of the Etsy marketplace at all times.

Why use the Free Top Etsy Shops tool?

Competitor Research: Identify and analyze competitors in your niche to see how your shop measures up.

Performance Benchmarking: Evaluate how your shop compares to top sellers in your country or category. This can help identify areas for improvement or strategies that are working well for others.

Market Insights: Dive into data-driven insights to understand the trends and patterns across various countries on Etsy. This can help shape your strategies and understand global market dynamics.

Finding Partners: Discover potential local collaborators or suppliers to enhance your product offerings or expand your reach.

Goal Setting: Design realistic sales and growth targets based on data from top-performing shops, giving you a clear direction for your business growth.

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