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Etsy Product Research

Focus on making and selling products that people want to buy. With Koalanda's product research tools you can discover new product niches, analyze competitor products, and much more.

Trending Etsy products

Trending Etsy products

Explore the top selling Etsy products and discover emerging product niches. Thanks to our daily updates, Koalanda offers you the most precise listing sales data available, ensuring you keep up with the latest trends in real time.

Trending Etsy products

Trending Etsy products

Explore the top selling Etsy products and discover emerging product niches. Thanks to our daily updates, Koalanda offers you the most precise listing sales data available, ensuring you keep up with the latest trends in real time.

Product sales history

View the sales history for the past 30 days of every Etsy product. Find out if the product is successful or not.

Etsy product sales history

Product sales history

Etsy product sales history

View the sales history for the past 30 days of every Etsy product. Find out if the product is successful or not.

Advanced product filtering capabilities

Advanced filtering capabilities

Make your product research even more efficient by filtering the results by category, country, keyword, type, and more.

Advanced filtering capabilities

Advanced product filtering capabilities

Make your product research even more efficient by filtering the results by category, country, keyword, type, and more.

Listing tags

Analyze the keywords your competitors are using in their listing tags. Get long tail keyword ideas that might help you optimize your listings.

Etsy listing tags

Listing tags

Etsy listing tags

Analyze the keywords your competitors are using in their listing tags. Get long tail keyword ideas that might help you optimize your listings.

Frequently Asked Questions

The listing sales history is 89% accurate on average.

Our primary source of data is the Etsy API, which enables us to retrieve real Etsy data and statistics. We use advanced machine learning and statistical algorithms to carefully design and calculate each metric that we show, based on the data coming from Etsy.

Koalanda detects most Etsy orders in real-time. At the end of each day, we calculate the sales for the last 30 days, based on the millions of sales that we've captured throughout the day.

Koalanda tracks all Etsy listings: currently more than 125 million.

Out of all listings, there are about 8 million that have sales in the last 30 days.


At Koalanda, all subscribed users enjoy unlimited access to our full suite of tools. You can search for keywords, analyze competitors, and inspect listing sales as much as you want, without any limitations.

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The term 'Etsy' is a trademark of Etsy, Inc. This application uses the Etsy API but is not endorsed or certified by Etsy, Inc.