Learn valuable insights about selling on Etsy with Koalanda’s monthly sales reports. Read articles, analyses, and how-tos based on real Etsy data. Boost your Etsy sales.
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for May 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In May, we noticed a decline in sales on Etsy, similar to what we observed in our report in April. The average daily sales on the platform in May were slightly less than 3% lower compared to April. It's worth noting that this is the second consecutive month of declining sales after the increase we saw in March. However, there's no need to be overly concerned about it as the decline is not significant and is typically expected during these months. Summer months are…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for April 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In April, average daily sales on Etsy dropped almost 4% compared to March. While March saw an increase in sales for the first time since November 2022, April had fewer sales per day on average than January and February, making it the weakest month for Etsy sales in 2023 so far. But don't worry too much about this. The differences are small, and there's no cause for concern. It's normal for Etsy to have weaker sales in this period. Looking at the graph below,…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for March 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In our previous report, we showed that sales on Etsy in February remained flat compared to January. The same holds true for this month's report - sales on Etsy during March appear to be stable and at levels similar to those observed in the previous two months. The graph clearly shows peaks during weekends when Etsy buyers tend to shop more, and this applies to online shopping in general. Although there is a slightly stronger first half of the month, there isn't a significant…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for February 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In our previous report, we presented sales statistics for Etsy for the first month of the 2023. While the numbers in this report appeared relatively modest, it's important to note that we were comparing them to the previous two months, which are typically the platform's busiest. In February, the sales trends on Etsy remained consistent with what we observed in January. Upon reviewing the data, it's evident that in February there were no significant fluctuations in sales, with no notable spikes or dips. The…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for January 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months The new year has started just as expected for those of us on Koalanda’s team in charge of monitoring the volume of Etsy sales. So far this year, we see the same trends that were evident last year. Those of you who feel like sales have stopped since January and everything is going downhill can breathe a sigh of relief. There is no room for panic. The reason for the perceived January slump often has to do with the fact that people compare the…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for December 2022. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months November was the strongest month for online sales on Etsy and it was followed by robust results in December, too. Sales were very strong in the first two weeks of December and slowed down in the second half of the month. This has not come as a surprise. The beginning of December marks the last opportunity for customers looking to buy Christmas presents on Etsy. Considering the amount of time needed to make and deliver gifts, purchases were slowing down as the month drew…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for November 2022. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months As we all expected and hoped for, November was the most successful month for Etsy sellers since the beginning of 2022. In the last several months we’ve observed a steady increase in the average daily sales in most categories. The sales hike in November, however, is much more significant. In the first days of November, the average daily sales were already growing much faster compared to the previous months. This trend evolved into a more than 70% sales increase in the major Black Friday…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for September 2022. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months Just like last month, we start this month’s Etsy sales report with some positive news. The trend of sales increase which started at the end of July continues all through September as well. The September sales are higher than the ones in August, just as we expected and hoped for. The sales hike is lower compared to the one in August - about 4% compared to 7% in the previous month. Nevertheless, the trend is clear and it is hard to imagine that October…
Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for August 2022. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months The positive trend of increasing daily sales that we noticed at the end of July has continued and has even accelerated in August. As apparent from the graph below, the sales have been steadily growing over the entire month. This gives us hope that the trend will continue in September as well. On a monthly basis, August is the first month of 2022 in which we can see an increase compared to the previous month. Up to June, the average daily sales for the…
Each month we will be publishing a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month on the Koalanda blog. Here is the report for July 2022. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months The average daily Etsy sales in July don't show any significant hikes or drops. At the same time, the last week of July exhibits a slow but steady increase which brings hope for the upcoming months. Daily Sales on Etsy - May 2022 - July 2022 The general tendency of decreasing monthly sales continues in July as well. However, the total number of sales in July is just 1% less than the sales in June. In the previous months, this number was about 4%.…