Etsy Sales Report – May 2023

Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for May 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In May, we noticed a decline in sales on Etsy, similar to what we observed in our report in April. The average daily sales on the platform in May were slightly less than 3% lower compared to April. It's worth noting that this is the second consecutive month of declining sales after the increase we saw in March. However, there's no need to be overly concerned about it as the decline is not significant and is typically expected during these months. Summer months are…

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How Many Etsy Shops Can You Have

One of the common questions that arises among the more ambitious Etsy sellers is “How many Etsy shops can I have?". In this blog post, we're not just answering that question, but we're also providing a deep dive into what this means for you, the seller. We'll explore the rules for owning multiple shops, and then dive into the potential benefits and challenges of running more than one shop. We'll also highlight some essential tools that can make this process smoother. How many Etsy shops can you have? When it comes to the number of shops a single seller can have, Etsy offers great flexibility. As a platform that values creativity and uniqueness, Etsy allows sellers to own and operate…

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Are Etsy Ads Worth It?

Are Etsy Ads worth it? It's a question that many Etsy sellers have asked themselves. With so many options for advertising, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth investing in. This post aims to help Etsy sellers decide whether or not to experiment with Etsy Ads. While we'll provide a general overview of how Etsy Ads work, the focus of this article is to guide sellers on whether or not they should try them. Keep in mind that Etsy Ads are just one tool in a larger toolbox of marketing options, and the decision to use them will depend on a variety of factors. So, let's dive into the world of Etsy Ads and see if they're…

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Read more about the article Essential Rules for Selling on Etsy
Know the rules!

Essential Rules for Selling on Etsy

One of the most common questions that we see from Etsy sellers is “Why did my listing get removed?” or “Why was my Etsy shop closed?”. In the majority of cases the answer is surprisingly simple - there was a violation of Etsy’s rules. As an Etsy seller, it's essential to be aware of the platform's rules and guidelines, as they help you create a successful and enjoyable experience for both you and your customers. Not following them can lead to some unwanted consequences, like misunderstandings with fellow sellers, brands, or even the closure of your shop. Don't worry, though; we've got you covered! In this blog post, we'll explore the most important rules for selling on Etsy in an…

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Etsy Sales Report – April 2023

Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for April 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In April, average daily sales on Etsy dropped almost 4% compared to March. While March saw an increase in sales for the first time since November 2022, April had fewer sales per day on average than January and February, making it the weakest month for Etsy sales in 2023 so far. But don't worry too much about this. The differences are small, and there's no cause for concern. It's normal for Etsy to have weaker sales in this period. Looking at the graph below,…

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Is Etsy Plus Worth it in 2024?

If you're an Etsy seller, you may have heard of Etsy Plus, a subscription service that offers additional features and perks to help you grow your business on the platform. But with the constant changes in the eCommerce industry and on Etsy itself, you may be wondering: is Etsy Plus still worth it in 2024? The Koalanda team receives questions about Etsy Plus all the time. This is why we decided to take a closer look at Etsy Plus and evaluate whether the benefits it offers justify the additional cost. We'll examine the features of Etsy Plus, weigh the pros and cons, and discuss how it fits into the current state of the Etsy marketplace. By the end of this…

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10 Etsy Strategies and Tactics Still Relevant in 2024

  • Reading time:14 mins read
  • Post category:Etsy SEO

Knowing that Etsy hosts millions of shops (and many more listings) all scrambling for the attention of customers can be daunting and disheartening. Yet, the platform appears to be the ideal space for the successful launching and development of small creative businesses. In fact, some businesses manage to attract thousands of buyers, realize considerable sales, and enjoy good financial performance. So, what is the key to their success? It’s not that big a secret, actually. It’s all about choosing and following the right business strategy. The application of effective marketing tactics is the recipe for financial prosperity. But which strategies and tactics work best for a platform like Etsy? Let us tell you a bit more about some of them.…

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Etsy Sales Report – March 2023

  • Reading time:10 mins read
  • Post category:Etsy Data Insights

Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for March 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In our previous report, we showed that sales on Etsy in February remained flat compared to January. The same holds true for this month's report - sales on Etsy during March appear to be stable and at levels similar to those observed in the previous two months. The graph clearly shows peaks during weekends when Etsy buyers tend to shop more, and this applies to online shopping in general. Although there is a slightly stronger first half of the month, there isn't a significant…

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Etsy Sales Report – February 2023

Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for February 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months In our previous report, we presented sales statistics for Etsy for the first month of the 2023. While the numbers in this report appeared relatively modest, it's important to note that we were comparing them to the previous two months, which are typically the platform's busiest. In February, the sales trends on Etsy remained consistent with what we observed in January. Upon reviewing the data, it's evident that in February there were no significant fluctuations in sales, with no notable spikes or dips. The…

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Etsy Sales Report – January 2023

  • Reading time:10 mins read
  • Post category:Etsy Data Insights

Each month we will be publishing on the Koalanda blog a brief report on the Etsy sales of the preceding month. Here is the report for January 2023. Sales on Etsy in comparison with previous months The new year has started just as expected for those of us on Koalanda’s team in charge of monitoring the volume of Etsy sales. So far this year, we see the same trends that were evident last year. Those of you who feel like sales have stopped since January and everything is going downhill can breathe a sigh of relief. There is no room for panic. The reason for the perceived January slump often has to do with the fact that people compare the…

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