The Keyword Comparison Tool enables you to compare the search score and competition for a list of keywords you provide. The tool doesn’t offer suggestions for relevant keywords; it merely lists the essential metrics for the requested keywords. This tool is useful when you are deciding which among several keywords to use for your listings.
You can find the tool by going to Keyword Research / Keyword Comparison.
Using the Keyword Comparison Tool
To use the Keyword Comparison follow these steps:
- Enter up to 20 keywords in the search bar, separating them with commas.
- Click the ‘Search’ button.
- View the keywords displayed in the results.

The tool provides detailed metrics for each keyword, including search score and competition. You have the option to add any keyword to a Keyword List or to look it up in the Keyword Tool for further analysis. Moreover, you can export the list of relevant keywords to a CSV file, which contains all the metrics for each keyword. This file is compatible with Excel, Google Sheets, OpenOffice, and other spreadsheet applications.